This document explains a program that simulates a robot guard navigating through a lab environment. The guard follows a set of rules to move through the lab, and the program tracks its path and analyzes specific aspects of its movement.
The core concept is to simulate a robot guard that follows a simple set of rules:
This creates a deterministic path through the lab. The challenge is divided into two parts:
First, we need to represent the lab environment. The program uses a Field
type to represent a 2D grid where:
represents an empty space'#'
represents a wall/obstacle^
, >
, v
, <
represent the guard’s initial position and orientationuse advent2024::field::Field;
use advent2024::location::*;
pub type Lab = Field<char>;
The guard’s position and movement are represented using:
pub(crate) struct Guard<'a> {
pub lab: &'a Lab, // Reference to the lab
pub dir: DirVector, // Direction vector (e.g., (0,-1) for up)
pub pos: Location // Current position (x,y coordinates)
Insight: Separating the position from direction allows us to track the guard’s state completely, enabling simulation of its movement according to the rules.
Before simulating movement, we need to find the guard’s starting position and direction:
pub fn find_guard(lab: &Lab, token: &[char]) -> Option<(Location, DirVector)> {
.position(|c| token.contains(c))
.map(|idx| {
let loc = lab.index_to_cartesian(idx);
match &val {'^' => (0,-1),'>' => (1,0),'v' => (0,1),'<' => (-1,0), _ => unreachable!()}
Insight: This function searches for one of the directional characters (^
, >
, v
, <
) and converts it to a location and corresponding direction vector. The use of Option
elegantly handles the possibility that no guard is found.
The guard movement follows the right-hand rule - it keeps turning until it finds a clear path:
impl Iterator for Guard<'_> {
type Item = (Location, DirVector);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
// turn until you find a way fwd
while let Some(&'#') = self.lab.peek(self.pos, self.dir) {
self.dir = turn_cw(self.dir);
// move next position as long as it is within bounds
.filter(|&p| self.lab.within_bounds(p))
.map(|pos| {
self.pos = pos;
(pos, self.dir)
for Guard
makes the movement logic reusable and allows using all of Rust’s iterator methods.For the first challenge, we need to count how many unique locations the guard visits:
let mut unique_locations = Guard{lab:&lab,pos,dir}.collect::<HashMap<_,_>>();
println!("Part 1: Guard visited {:?} unique locations - {:?}", unique_locations.len(), t.elapsed());
to collect location → direction pairs automatically handles duplicate locations.For the second challenge, we need to identify obstacles that would cause the guard to get stuck in a loop:
let obstacles = unique_locations
.filter(|&(l, _)| {
*lab.get_mut(*l).unwrap() = '#'; // Place test obstacle
// Simulate guard movement with the obstacle
let in_loop = Guard{lab:&lab,pos,dir}
.any(|(nl,nd)| {
let in_loop = path.get(&nl).is_some_and(|&pd| nd == pd);
*lab.get_mut(*l).unwrap() = '.'; // Remove test obstacle
The solution uses several techniques to optimize performance:
iterator encapsulates the movement logic, making it reusable.HashMap
to track positions and directions allows O(1) lookups.The main function orchestrates the entire process:
fn main() {
// Load and parse the input
let input = std::fs::read_to_string("src/bin/day6/input.txt").expect("msg");
let mut lab = input.parse::<Lab>().expect("Field parse err");
// Find the guard's starting position and direction
let (pos,dir) = find_guard(&lab, &['^','>','v','<']).expect("there is no Lab Guard !!");
// Part 1: Count unique locations
let t = Instant::now();
let mut unique_locations = Guard{lab:&lab,pos,dir}.collect::<HashMap<_,_>>();
println!("Part 1: Guard visited {:?} unique locations - {:?}", unique_locations.len(), t.elapsed());
// Part 2: Find loop-causing obstacles
let t = Instant::now();
let mut path = HashMap::new();
let obstacles = unique_locations
.filter(|&(l, _)| {
// Test logic for each potential obstacle
// [Implementation details omitted for brevity]
println!("Part 2: There are {:?} loop obstacles - {:?}", obstacles, t.elapsed());
This program demonstrates several important programming principles:
The solution elegantly tackles a complex simulation problem through clear abstractions and efficient algorithms, resulting in a program that effectively models a robot’s movement through a constrained environment.