Graph Contraction Algorithm

Graph contraction is a technique for computing properties of graph in parallel. As its name implies, it is a contraction technique, where we solve a problem by reducing to a smaller instance of the same problem. Graph contraction is especially important because divide-and-conquer is difficult to apply to graphs efficiently. The difficulty is that divide-and-conquer would require reliably partitioning the graph into smaller graphs. Due to their irregular structure, graphs are difficult to partition. In fact, graph partitioning problems are typically NP-hard.1

How to contract a graph

The algorithm performs the following steps

  • STEP 1: Initialise temporary super node and super edge structures
  • STEP 2: Contract the graph, until 2 super nodes are left
    • STEP A: select a random edge
    • STEP B : Contract the edge by merging the edge's nodes
    • STEP C : Collapse/Remove newly formed edge loops since src & dst is the new super node
    • STEP D : Identify all edges affected due to the collapsing of nodes
    • STEP E : Repoint affected edges to the new super node
  • STEP 3 : find the edges between the two super node sets

A visual example is the below image which shows the successful run of the contraction algorithm on a 10-vertex graph. The minimum cut has size 3. image

Implementation approach

The key to the implementation is to

  • process all nodes and their edges, so you end up with two super-sets of nodes
  • finally calculate the graph edges crossing the two node super-sets

Helper Data Structures

Therefore, the following temporary data structures are necessary

  • Super-nodes : HashMap holding [KEY:super-node, VALUE:set of merged nodes]
  • Super-edges : list of edges in the form of HashBag that holds hash pairs of [VALUE:(source:super-node, destination:super-node)]

Worth noting here that

  • We must be in a position to deal with repeating (2..*) super-edges resulting from the contraction of two super-nodes, hence the use HashBag which is an unordered multiset implementation. Use of HashSet results to elimination of super-edge multiples hence diminishing algorithm's statistical ability to produce the optimal graph contraction
  • We must account for SuperEdges multiples while we (a) remove loops and (b) re-aligning super-edges following two super-node contraction

The following implementation of Super-Edges structure, provides and abstracts, the key operations of edge collapsing that is

  • extract a random edge for the total set
  • removal of an explicit edge
  • repositioning of edges from one node onto another
pub struct SuperEdges {
    list: HashMap<Node, HashBag<NodeType>>,
    length: usize

impl SuperEdges {

    pub fn get_random_edge(&self) -> Edge {
        let mut idx = thread_rng().gen_range(0..self.length);

        let mut iter = self.list.iter();
        if let Some((idx, &node, edges)) = loop {
            if let Some((node,edges)) = {
                if idx < edges.len() {
                    break Some((idx, node, edges))
                idx -= edges.len();
            } else {
                break None
        } {
                    .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("get_random_edge(): cannot get dst node at position({idx} from src({node})"))
        } else {
            panic!("get_random_edge(): Couldn't pick a random edge with index({idx}) from src")

    pub fn remove_edge(&mut self, src: Node, dst: Node) {
        // print!("remove_edge(): {:?} IN:{:?} -> Out:", edge, self);
        let edges = self.list.get_mut(&src).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("remove_edge(): Node({src}) cannot be found within SuperEdges"));
        self.length -= edges.contains(&dst.into());
        while edges.remove(&dst.into()) != 0 { };
        // println!("{:?}",self);
    pub fn move_edges(&mut self, old: Node, new: Node) {
        // Fix direction OLD -> *
        let old_edges = self.list
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("move_edges(): cannot remove old node({old})"));
        // print!("move_edges(): {old}:{:?}, {new}:{:?}", old_edges,self.list[&new]);
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("move_edges(): failed to extend({new}) with {:?} from({new})", old_edges))
            .extend( old_edges.into_iter());

        // Fix Direction * -> OLD
            .filter_map( |e| {
                let count = e.contains(&old.into());
                if  count > 0  { Some((count, e)) } else { None }
            .for_each(|(mut count, edges)| {
                while edges.remove(&old.into()) != 0 {};
                while count != 0 { edges.insert(new.into()); count -= 1; }
        // println!(" -> {:?}",self.list[&new]);

Similarly, the SuperNodes structure, provides and abstracts

  • the merging of two nodes into a super node
  • indexed access to super nodes
  • iterator
/// Helper Structure that holds the `set` of merged nodes under a super node `key`
/// The HashMap therefore is used as [Key:Super Node, Value: Set of Merged Nodes]
/// A super node's set is a `Graph Component` in itself, that is, you can visit a Node from any other Node within the set
pub struct SuperNodes {
impl Clone for SuperNodes {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        SuperNodes { super_nodes: self.super_nodes.clone() }
impl SuperNodes {
    /// Total size of `Graph Components`, that is, super nodes
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.super_nodes.len() }
    /// Given an Graph node, the function returns the Super Node that it belongs
    /// for example given the super node [Key:1, Set:{1,2,3,4,5}]
    /// querying for node `3` will return `1` as its super node
    pub fn find_supernode(&self, node: &Node) -> Node {
        // is this a super node ?
        if self.contains_supernode(node) {
            // if yes, just return it
        } else {
            // otherwise find its super node and return it
            // get an Iterator for searching each super node
            let mut sets = self.super_nodes.iter();
            loop {
                // If next returns [Super Node, Node Set] proceed otherwise exist with None
                let Some((&src, set)) = else { break None };
                // Is the queried Node in the set ?
                if set.contains(node) {
                    // yes, return the super node
                    break Some(src)
            }.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("find_supernode(): Unexpected error, cannot find super node for {node}"))
    /// Returns the graph component, aka `set` of nodes, for a given super node `key`,
    /// otherwise `None` if it doesn't exist
    pub fn contains_supernode(&self, node: &Node) -> bool {
    /// The function takes two super nodes and merges them into one
    /// The `dst` super node is merged onto the `src` super node
    pub fn merge_nodes(&mut self, src:Node, dst:Node) -> &mut HashSet<Node> {
        // remove both nodes that form the random edge and
        // hold onto the incoming/outgoing edges
        let super_src = self.super_nodes.remove(&src).unwrap();
        let super_dst = self.super_nodes.remove(&dst).unwrap();

        // combine the incoming/outgoing edges for attaching onto the new super-node
        let super_node = super_src.union(&super_dst).copied().collect::<HashSet<Node>>();
        // re-insert the src node as the new super-node and attach the resulting union
    /// Provides an iterator that yields the Node Set of each super node
    pub fn iter(&self) -> SuperNodeIter {
        SuperNodeIter { iter: self.super_nodes.iter() }
/// Ability for SuperNode struct to use indexing for search
/// e.g super_node[3] will return the HashSet corresponding to key `3`
impl Index<Node> for SuperNodes {
    type Output = HashSet<Node>;
    fn index(&self, index: Node) -> &Self::Output {

/// HashNode Iterator structure
pub struct SuperNodeIter<'a> {
    iter: hash_map::Iter<'a, Node, HashSet<Node>>

/// HashNode Iterator implementation yields a HashSet at a time
impl<'a> Iterator for SuperNodeIter<'a> {
    type Item = &'a HashSet<Node>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(super_node) = {
        } else { None }

The SuperEdges and SuperNodes structures are initiated from the Graph structure

/// Helper Graph functions
impl Graph {
    /// SuperEdges Constructor
    pub fn get_super_edges(&self) -> SuperEdges {
        let mut length = 0;
        let list = self.edges.iter()
            .map(|(&n,e)| (n, e.iter().copied().collect::<HashBag<NodeType>>())
            .inspect(|(_,c)| length += c.len() )
        // println!("get_super_edges(): [{length}]{:?}",list);
        SuperEdges { list, length }
    /// SuperNodes Constructor
    pub fn get_super_nodes(&self) -> SuperNodes {
        SuperNodes {
            super_nodes: self.nodes.iter()
                .map(|&node| (node, HashSet::<Node>::new()))
                .map(|(node, mut map)| {
                    (node, map)
                .collect::<HashMap<Node, HashSet<Node>>>()

Putting all together

With the supporting data structures in place we are able to write the following implementation for the contraction algorithm

    fn contract_graph(&self) -> Option<Graph> {

        if self.edges.is_empty() {
            return None;

        // STEP 1: INITIALISE temporary super node and super edge structures
        let mut super_edges = self.get_super_edges();
        let mut super_nodes= self.get_super_nodes();

        // STEP 2: CONTRACT the graph, until 2 super nodes are left
        while super_nodes.len() > 2 {

            // STEP A: select a random edge
                // get a copy rather a reference so we don't upset the borrow checker
                // while we deconstruct the edge into src and dst nodes
            let Edge(src,dst) = super_edges.get_random_edge();
            // println!("While: E({src},{dst}):{:?}",super_edges.list);

            // STEP B : Contract the edge by merging the edge's nodes
                // remove both nodes that form the random edge and
                // hold onto the incoming/outgoing edges
                // combine the incoming/outgoing edges for attaching onto the new super-node
                // re-insert the src node as the new super-node and attach the resulting union
            super_nodes.merge_nodes(src, dst.into());

            // STEP C : Collapse/Remove newly formed edge loops since src & dst is the new super node
            super_edges.remove_edge( src, dst.into());
            super_edges.remove_edge( dst.into(), src);

            // STEP D : Identify all edges that still point to the dst removed as part of collapsing src and dst nodes
            // STEP E : Repoint all affected edges to the new super node src
            super_edges.move_edges(dst.into(), src);

        // STEP 3 : find the edges between the two super node sets
        let mut snode_iter = super_nodes.iter();
      "There is no src super node"),
      "There is no dst super node")

Finding Graph Edges between two sets of Nodes

Given subsets of nodes, in order to find the crossing edges we have to

  • For each src:node in the node subset A
    • Extract the graph's edges originating from the src:node
    • Test for the intersection of graph's edges (aka destination nodes) against the node subset B
    • if the intersection is empty proceed, otherwise store the edges in a new graph

Worth noting here that for every edge found we need to account for its opposite self, for example, for Edge(2,3) we need to also add Edge(3,2)

The below function returns the edges of a graph crossing two node subsets.

    /// Given two Super Node sets the function returns the crossing edges as a new Graph structure
    fn get_crossing_edges(&self, src_set: &HashSet<Node>, dst_set: &HashSet<Node>) -> Graph {
                ( src,
                  // get src_node's edges from the original graph
                      .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("get_crossing_edges(): cannot extract edges for node({src}"))
                      .map(|&ntype| ntype.into() )
            .map(|(src, set)|
                // Keep only the edges nodes found in the dst_set (intersection)
                // we need to clone the reference before we push them
                // into the output graph structure
                (src, set.intersection(dst_set).copied().collect::<HashSet<Node>>())
            .filter(|(_, edges)| !edges.is_empty() )
            .fold(Graph::new(), |mut out, (&src, edges)| {
                // println!("Node: {node} -> {:?}",edges);
                // add edges: direction dst -> src
                    .for_each(|&dst| {
                            .insert(src.into() );
                // add edges: direction src -> dst
                    edges.into_iter().map(|edge| edge.into()).collect()
        // println!("Crossing graph: {:?}", output);
